KeepForYourself Blog

Python for beginners

In this article we are explaining what is Python for beginners by going through a high level overview of the Python language and show all the major functionalities

install minikube on my Raspberry PI 3

The unexpected failure to install Minikube on my Raspberry PI 3

The developer life is not always unicorns and rainbows, we might have great ideas, any absurd experiments we may think of and document, but some other times we have to face the reality, take the hit on the chin and move ahead and silently accept. This is one of those cases where I faced the unexpected failure to install minikube on my Raspberry PI 3 model B (I was not expecting my Rasby to be so old)

go beginners guide

Install k3s on a Raspberry PI

In this article we are going through the steps needed to install k3s on a Raspberry PI and setup a single kubernetes cluster.

uninstall k3s

Uninstall k3s

In this article we are going to show how easy is to uninstall k3s.

Software design patterns

Software design patterns

Software design patterns are reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem. It is not a ready to use code solution like it could be an algorithm, but it is a structural solution or approach for a given problem putting the basis or the template for how to solve the problem.

Create a golang microservice.

Create a golang microservice

The microservice architecture is on the rise and is the hottest topic of these days. In this article we are going step by step, from the beginning to the end and try to create a golang microservice.

NGINX as kuberenetes ingress controller for our cluster

NGINX as kubernetes ingress controller

With this step by step guide we are going through the creation of small python Pods up to deploy our minimalistic cluster environment using NGINX as kubernetes ingress controller

Learning Python

Learning Python – the basics

With this series of articles we are going to explore how this programming language works and introduce the most important concepts for learning Python

Learning Python

Switch python version using pyenv

In this guide we are going to show how to quickly switch python version using pyenv with some easy steps.