Category: Kubernetes

Kubernetes tutorials

go beginners guide

Install k3s on a Raspberry PI

In this article we are going through the steps needed to install k3s on a Raspberry PI and setup a single kubernetes cluster.

uninstall k3s

Uninstall k3s

In this article we are going to show how easy is to uninstall k3s.

Create a golang microservice.

Create a golang microservice

The microservice architecture is on the rise and is the hottest topic of these days. In this article we are going step by step, from the beginning to the end and try to create a golang microservice.

NGINX as kuberenetes ingress controller for our cluster

NGINX as kubernetes ingress controller

With this step by step guide we are going through the creation of small python Pods up to deploy our minimalistic cluster environment using NGINX as kubernetes ingress controller

Import a docker image in kubernetes

Import a docker image in kubernetes

In this article we are going to explain how to import a docker image in kubernetes and make it a running pod just with few easy commands

find files

Disable Traefik from K3s

If you already installed k3s the following steps will allow you to disable Traefik and let you install the ingress controller you like most.

Run kubernetes pod locally

Spin up a kubernetes Pod using a local image

This article will go through the steps needed to spin up a kubernetes pod using a local image

Install kubernetes cluster on your pc

Run a kubernetes cluster on your PC

This is a small guide on how to spin up and run a kubernetes cluster on your PC. In this article we are going through What is kubernetes? How do I install kubernetes on...

print(“Hello world!”)

This blog is intended as a collection of “the guides and information we were looking for while investigating these things that we didn’t find”.